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TIGER Grant projects now Complete!

In 2016, the Broward MPO was awarded a nationwide competitive grant for over $11 million to design and construct five Complete Streets projects throughout Broward County.

Together with the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Oakland Park, and Pompano Beach as well as Broward County, the Broward MPO applied for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER). TIGER funds received along with local contributions were used to fill in five critical gaps and extend the reach of the existing Broward Regional Complete Streets network to restore safe multimodal access to various community resources and destinations for vulnerable populations.

Broward's TIGER grant constructed 9.2 miles of safe, clearly delineated bicycle and pedestrian facilities in existing rights-of-way and included innovative features such as internally illuminated reflective pavement markings (IIRPM) to improve visibility and safety for all users. The TIGER projects are part of the Broward MPO’s Complete Streets program that has to date programmed more than $300 million in bicycle and pedestrian facilities to create safer, healthier streets for residents and visitors.

The Broward MPO would like to thank the FDOT District Four (4) Office, who managed all phases of implementation of the TIGER projects, as well as our local partners who each played a critical role in the TIGER application and implementation process, and also provided substantial financial contributions.


TIGER Map Projects small

TIGER Projects

Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard

Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard: This project reduced vehicular travel lane widths to accommodate 7-foot buffered bike lanes in each direction from Powerline Road to I-95. The existing sidewalks were reconstructed and retrofitted to meet ADA standards. Drainage was also enhanced as part of this project. Other improvements included additional pedestrian and vehicular lighting, landscaping as well as the resurfacing and re-striping of the entire corridor.

NW 31st Avenue

NW 31st Avenue: In order to accommodate a new, continuous five-foot bike lane, this TIGER project milled and resurfaced NW 31st Avenue, reducing the width of three travel lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet and narrowing the median width from Commercial Boulevard to McNab Road. Three intersections along this corridor were also upgraded with new mast arms.

Powerline Road

Powerline Road: Powerline Road, from Oakland Park Boulevard to Commercial Boulevard, was milled, resurfaced, and restriped. The outside vehicular travel lanes were repurposed to accommodate a 7-foot buffered bicycle lane in both directions and 4-foot landscaped islands will be installed.

Lauderdale Lakes Greenway

Lauderdale Lakes Greenway: This project extended the existing Lauderdale Lakes Greenway multi-use path from NW 29th Avenue to the NW 31st Avenue intersection, and provided continuous connection to the remainder of the greenway. Additional features of this TIGER Project include pedestrian lighting, landscaping, and aesthetic features.

Riverland Road/SW 27th Avenue

Riverland Road/SW 27th Avenue: From SR-7 to Davie Boulevard, travel lane widths were reduced from 12 to 11 feet to accommodate bicycle lanes in both directions. Continuous sidewalk on one side of the road has also constructed. From Davie Boulevard to Broward Boulevard, the outside travel lanes were repurposed to provide buffered bicycle lanes in both directions. The entire corridor was resurfaced, restriped and included Internally illuminated reflective pavement markings (IIRPMs) to more clearly delineate the travel lane and bicycle lanes in low-light conditions.

The TIGER Story

Construction is Complete!

The TIGER StoryMap: Click on the image below to start exploring the TIGER Network.

TIGER resized


The TIGER grant agreement was signed on August 2, 2019 with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allowing funds to be used to construct the five mobility projects. The TIGER grant agreement was signed on August 2, 2019 with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allowing funds to be used to construct the five mobility projects. On May 18, 2020 our implementation partner (FDOT), moved forward to the next phase of implementation by selecting a Design/Build consultant team to finalize design and construct the TIGER projects. The Design/Build consultant team has begun local coordination to ensure projects are constructed to meet the local government’s vision for their respective corridor. Construction (shovel on the ground) began on April 2021. Projects constructed range from separated multimodal facilities to on-street bicycle lanes and aim to increase safety for all users of the road. Elements include lighting, landscaping, and ADA improvements, among others.The implementation of TIGER projects provides an opportunity to continue strengthening our communities and the partnerships we have in place. Construction of all projects was completed on January 2024.

Construction Contractor Selected!

The TIGER grant agreement was signed on August 2, 2019 with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allowing funds to be used to construct the five mobility projects.  The TIGER grant agreement was signed on August 2, 2019 with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allowing funds to be used to construct the five mobility projects.  On May 18, 2020 our implementation partner (FDOT), moved forward to the next phase of implementation by selecting a Design/Build consultant team to finalize design and construct the TIGER projects. The Design/Build consultant team has begun local coordination to ensure projects are constructed to meet the local government’s vision for their respective corridor.  This coordination is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Construction (shovel on the ground) is scheduled to begin in early 2021 and completed by the end of 2024.Slated projects range from separated multimodal facilities to on-street bicycle lanes and aim to increase safety for all users of the road. Elements include lighting, landscaping, and ADA improvements, among others. The implementation of TIGER projects provides an opportunity to continue strengthening our communities and the partnerships we have in place.  
For more information about TIGER project construction, please contact Justina Hicklyn at justina@valerin-group.com or (954) 940-7585.

The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was awarded a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for its Regional Complete Streets Initiative in 2016. Since the award, the Broward MPO and implementation partner, Florida Department of Transportation District Four (FDOT D4), have been working diligently on the implementation of the projects identified in this grant.

The Broward MPO signed the TIGER Grant Agreement with Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and celebrated a major milestone for Broward Complete Streets. The latest milestone in this grant process is a major development, as of August 2019, the TIGER agreement (between FHWA, FDOT D4 and the Broward MPO) has been executed. This allows the Broward MPO and FDOT D4 to begin utilizing these federal funds received as a part of the grant.

To read the press release, CLICK HERE.

TIGER Grant Application Signed!

The Broward MPO was awarded a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for its regional Broward Complete Streets Initiative.

The grant will help fund $19.1 million dollars worth of bike and pedestrian improvements in the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Oakland Park, and Pompano Beach. With the rising cost of construction, the MPO is contributing $1.5 million towards this effort as well. Stay tuned for more information on these projects!

CLICK HERE to view the official announcement from USDOT announcing the 2016 TIGER grant winners on July 29, 2016.


TIGER Celebration

To celebrate the awarding of a 2016 TIGER Grant to the Broward MPO, a community-wide celebration was held on October 19, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at the C-13 Canal/Lauderdale Lakes Greenway across the street from the Lauderdale Lakes Aquatic Center. 

TIGER Celebration Flyer Digital1


The Broward MPO has been coordinating with the FDOT District IV office and its local partners to advance the implementation of five Complete Streets projects identified in its 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) application. The US Department of Transportation awarded the Broward MPO an $11.4 million TIGER grant matched by $7.7 million local contributions (40%) for a total $19.2 million project cost. The Broward MPO partnered with four municipal governments (Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Oakland Park, and Pompano Beach) and Broward County government to identify regional mobility deficiencies. The five projects selected will address existing deficiencies and grow the region’s active transportation network. The Broward MPO has been coordinating with the FDOT District IV office and its local partners to advance the implementation of five Complete Streets projects identified in its 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) application. The US Department of Transportation awarded the Broward MPO an $11.4 million TIGER grant matched by $7.7 million local contributions (40%) for a total $19.2 million project cost. The Broward MPO partnered with four municipal governments (Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Oakland Park, and Pompano Beach) and Broward County government to identify regional mobility deficiencies. The five projects selected will address existing deficiencies and grow the region’s active transportation network.

The MPO's TIGER application is not just a request for funding, it is the product of unprecedented collaboration between four municipalities, Broward County Government, Florida Department of Transportation, as well as the private and non-profit sectors. The narrative describes the 2016 TIGER application and highlights the projects that are proposed to be built if the Broward MPO's application is successful.

2016 Broward MPO TIGER Narrative

Congressional Delegation Letter of Support

Six members of the South Florida Congressional Delegation signed a letter of support to USDOT in favor of the Broward MPO's 2016 TIGER application.

Congressional Delegation Letter of Support TIGER

To view the TIGER Grant 2015 application, CLICK HERE.

For More Information

Please contact Buffy Sanders II at sandersb@browardmpo.org or (954) 876-0046 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.