Congestion Management Process
A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic and regionally accepted approach for managing congestion that provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and assesses alternative strategies to address congestion. A CMP is federally required in metropolitan areas with population exceeding 200,000, known as Transportation Management Areas (TMAs). Miami-Dade TMA includes Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.
Through the CMP, the Broward MPO monitors the capacity and traffic levels on major roadways in the Broward region. The main intent of the CMP is to develop and implement strategies to improve the safety and mobility through all modes of transportation (i.e. transit, community shuttles, bicycle, pedestrian and roadway) and to reduce single occupancy vehicle travel.
For several years, the MPO combined the Congestion Management Process and Livability Planning to provide a comprehensive approach to implementing the Broward MPO 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. This integrated Congestion Management Process/Livability Planning approach focused on enhancing the quality of life and improving safety and mobility through short- and long-term strategies and improvements for land use, transit, biking, and walking.

Livability Planning
The MPO Livability Planning is consistent with the guiding principles of the federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities. The Partnership helps American families in all communities gain better access to affordable housing, more transportation options, and lower transportation costs while simultaneously protecting the environment, promoting development.
Livability Planning focuses on issues that affect our daily lives and how we live, work and play. As part of a continuing, coordinated and comprehensive (3C) planning process, the Broward MPO works with local stakeholders to conduct Livability Planning Studies that result in multi-disciplinary recommendations to improve the quality of life related to:
- Transportation improvements,
- Land use designations,
- Rezoning and design guidelines,
- Business retention, expansion, and attraction,
- Affordable and attainable housing.
Mobility Hubs
More specifically, the recommendations address the location of Mobility Hubs and transit infrastructure, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, designation of appropriate land uses, and guidelines for appropriate redevelopment and retrofitting.
Click here to learn more on what Mobility Hubs are and how they will be implemented into your community.

- Federal Highway Administration- Livability Initiative
- Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD-USDOT-EPA)
- Florida Transit Oriented Development (TOD)- FDOT
For More Information
Please contact Amanda Christon at (954) 876-0078 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.