It takes proactive intervention to solve our traffic congestion problems and provide mobility and connectivity for Broward residents. Improvements are expected from projects being completed in the next five years, but these improvements only go so far in addressing our overall transportation challenges over the next 20+ years.

If we don’t take action today, we will continue to pay in time lost sitting in traffic and more pollution from vehicle emissions. If we don’t make transit more accessible and competitive with the automobile, we will pay with lost economic opportunity and longer travel delays. We will pay in more limited access, declining health and more accidents if we don’t make complete streets a reality in more communities. Transportation cost for Broward residents are some of the highest in the nation at 36 percent of our average income. Combined with housing, it takes an average of 62 percent for these basic necessities before we feed our families. Ranked fourth in the nation for pedestrian fatalities, safety for pedestrians continues to challenge us in South Florida.

Clearly, balanced solutions are needed to achieve fiscally responsible and sustainable ways to invest in improvements to our transportation system that work better for us all. The solution to our transportation problems should be:

For More Information

Please contact Carol Henderson at (954) 876-0076 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.